I am Maria.

transformation coach
energetic midwife
or doula of life

As of May 2024, I am taking a time-out to re-energize and feel in which way I want to continue my work. So that I can contribute what I was born to do, so that I can use my Beingness and talent in the best way possible. You will read all future plans here as soon as they have become clear to myself.

you long to

  • come home to yourself
  • (re)breathe and relax
  • be you, freely and fully
  • become aware of your power-source
  • free yourself from what doesn’t serve you

I will support you

  • to remember who you are
  • to liberate your authentic self
  • to give space to all your potential
  • to grow in self-acceptance and -love
  • to deepen your connection with your essence

we will

  • use consciousness as a key
  • work mainly body-oriented
  • allow what comes to the surface
  • trust the wisdom of your body & soul
  • go from where you are to where you want to be

The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person.
That’s a quote from Plato, and it really resonates with me…it truly is a blessing and privilige to be an energetic midwife. 

Here below you can find some trajectories you can choose from.
It might be inspiring to see the possibilities. Or it can be an invitation to feel what you really want and what you need. Of course, you can always and still book separate sessions too.

TRE® – Shake Off Stress – journey

If you long to experience more ease, more peace and relaxation. To be less stuck in our heads. And especially to be free from the physical, mental en emotional consequences of stress, tension and trauma.  This TRE® or Shake Off Stress-journey is really thé journey for you.  You learn how to release all tension and stress. And your bodyawareness increases.

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Transformation – journey

When you choose for a transformation journey, you whole haertedly say yes to change, to more selflove and selfacceptance…to become your true authentic self and unfold your full potential.  You can choose a journey with 7, 9 or 11 one on one-sessions.

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Sacred feminine- journey

This is the ultimate gift to yourself if you want to be more free and more fully yourself as a woman. Discover, honour and celebrate all aspects, talents and idiosyncrasies that you have and embody as a woman. Honour and celebrate your sensuality and sexual energy and power. This is a blissful adventure, a wonderful journey of discovery, to come home to yourself like never before.

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systemic Constellations

Sometimes we can have the feeling of being trapped in a vicious circle, or that we miserably walk into the same ‘shituations’ over and over again.  Now and then we can be astonished about what seems to happen in our lives, what we are doing and why for god’s sake we are doing some things. In those circumstances a Systemic Family Healing-session can help you, to clearly see and know and help you to loosen the entanglements that are at the base of certain behaviors and situations.

Birth mapping

The way a pregnancy develops and your physical birth-experience determine many survival mechanisms, patterns and beliefs. Your first 1001 days are the foundation on which you build your life, the roots of your tree. Getting to know and understand yourself, and freeing yourself from what unintentionally and unconsciously dominates your life starts with a birth chart session.

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Small Bang Big Consequences

Through this lecture, you discover how important your start in this life is…and how big the impact from these very early experiences is on your daily life. You will clearly see and understand what the relationship is between your prenatal experiences and birth and the beliefs, habits and patterns you have today.

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Magical journeys to Ireland

Ireland, island where not only people, but also stones and trees tell stories. The island where worlds come together naturally and connections are made between here and there, past and present, above and below, outside and inside. Come along on a journey and let yourself be touched and moved.

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Let’s choose to truly love and embrace ourselves and all of life and remember our essence.